Data protection

for Hobby-Wohnwagenwerk Ing. Harald Striewski GmbH

Information about the collection of personal data and contact details of the controller

This Data Protection Policy explains the type, scope and purpose of processing personal data (hereinafter referred to as “data”) in the context of the provision of our services as well as within our online service and the associated websites, functions and content as well as external online presences, such as our Social Media Profile (hereinafter jointly referred to as “online service”). With regard to the terms used, such as “processing” or “controller”, we refer to the definitions in Art. 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Ing. Harald Striewski GmbH
Harald-Striewski-Straße 15
24787 Fockbek
+49 (0)4331 - 6060

Legal information:

Data Protection Officer

Frank Berns
Konzept 17 GmbH
Westring 3
24850 Schuby
Telefon: +49 4621 530 40 50
E-Mail: mail[at]

Data collected when visiting our website

If you use our website for information purposes only, i.e. if you do not register or otherwise provide us with information, we will only collect the data that your browser transmits to our server (so-called “server log files”). When you access our website, we collect the following data, which is technically necessary for us to display the website for you:

  • Website visited
  • Date and time of access
  • Volume of data sent in bytes
  • Source/link, from which website you accessed the page
  • Browser used
  • Operating system used
  • IP address used (in anonymised form, where applicable)

The processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR on the basis of our legitimate interest in improving the stability and functionality of our website. The data will not be passed on or used in any other way. However, we reserve the right to subsequently check the server log files if there are concrete indications of illegal use.

Contacting us

Upon contacting us (e.g. by means of contact form, e-mail, telephone or social media), the information provided by the user will be used in order to process the enquiry in accordance with Art. 6(1)(b) (in the context of contractual/pre-contractual relationships) and Art. 6(1)(f) (other enquiries) GDPR. The legitimate interest here is the complete processing and answering of the enquiry. The information provided by the user may be stored in a Customer Relationship Management system (“CRM system”) or in a comparable enquiry management system.

We delete enquiries insofar as these are no longer required. Furthermore, this policy is subject to statutory archiving obligations.

Hosting and e-mail dispatch

The hosting services we use allow us to provide the following services: infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage space and database services, e-mail dispatch, security services as well as technical maintenance services, which we use for the purpose of operating this website.

In this respect, we or our hosting provider process the inventory data, contact data, content data, contractual data, usage data, the meta and communication data of customers, interested parties and visitors to this website on the basis of our legitimate interests in the efficient and secure provision of this website in accordance with Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR.


Embedding of OpenStreetMap

This website uses the OpenStreetMap API (programming interface) to display geographic information visually. OpenStreetMap is provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation based on the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).

Additional information regarding data processing by OSM and their privacy policy can be found here:


etracker (

The host of this website relies on the services of etracker GmbH in Hamburg, Germany ( for the purposes of analysing usage data. This involves the use of cookies, which make it possible to perform a statistical analysis of how visitors use this website and to display user-oriented content or advertising. Cookies are small files that are stored by the Internet browser on the user’s device. etracker cookies do not contain any information that could be used to identify a user.

The data produced by etracker is processed and stored exclusively in Germany on behalf of the provider of this website by etracker and is therefore subject to the strict German and European data protection laws and standards. To this effect, etracker has been independently tested, certified and awarded the data protection privacy seal ePrivacyseal.

Data processing is performed on the legal basis of Art. 6(1)(f) (legitimate interest) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our legitimate interest consists of the optimisation of our online service and our web presence. Since the privacy of our visitors is extremely important to us, the IP address is anonymised at the earliest available opportunity by etracker and the login or device identification converted by etracker into a clear, but not personally attributed, code. etracker will not make any other use of the data, integrate it with other data or transfer it to third parties.

You may object to the above-mentioned data processing at any time, to the extent that it is performed on a personalised basis. Your objection will not have any adverse effects. Additional information regarding etracker’s privacy policy can be found here.

Social Networks / Social Media


On the basis of our legitimate interests in the analysis, optimisation and commercial operation of our online service as laid down in Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR, we use social plug-ins (“plug-ins”) provided by the social network, which is operated by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Rand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland (“Meta Platforms Ireland”). This may include content, such as images, videos or texts and buttons that enable users to share content from this online service within Facebook. The list and appearance of Facebook plugins can be viewed here:

When a user invokes a feature of this online service that contains such a plugin, their device establishes a direct connection to Meta Platforms Ireland servers. The content of the plugin is transmitted by Meta Platforms Ireland directly to the user’s device and integrated into the online service from there. During this process, user profiles can be created from the processed data. We have no influence on the amount of data that Facebook collects with the help of this plugin and we are therefore informing users accordingly.

By incorporating the plugin, Meta Platforms Irelandis able to receive information that a user has accessed the corresponding page of the online service. If the user is logged in to Facebook, Meta Platforms Ireland can link the visit to his or her Facebook account. If users interact with the plugins, for example, by clicking the Like button or writing a comment, the corresponding information is directly transmitted from your device to Meta Platforms Ireland and stored there. If a user is not a member of Facebook, there is still a possibility that Meta Platforms Ireland will find out his or her IP address and store it. According to Meta Platforms Ireland, only anonymised IP addresses are stored in Germany.

The purpose and scope of the data collection and additional processing and use of the data by Meta Platforms Ireland as well as the corresponding rights and configuration options for protecting the privacy of users can be found in Meta Platforms Ireland Data Policy:

If a user is a Meta Platforms Ireland member and does not want Meta Platforms Ireland to collect data about him or her via this online service and link it to his or her membership data stored on Meta Platforms Ireland, he or she must log out of Facebook and delete his or her cookies before using our online service. More settings and ways to withdraw your consent to the use of your data for advertising purposes are available within Facebook profile settings: or via the US page or the EU page The settings apply across all platforms, i.e. they are applied to all devices, such as desktop computers or mobile devices.


This website uses the YouTube embedding function to display and play videos from the “YouTube” platform provided by Google Ltd., Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

The extended data protection mode is used, which, according to the provider, does not initiate the storage of user information until the video(s) is/are played. If the playback of embedded YouTube videos is started, the provider uses “YouTube” cookies to collect information about user behaviour. According to “YouTube”, these serve, among other things, to collect video statistics, to improve user-friendliness and to prevent abusive practices. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be directly linked to your account when you click on a video. If you do not want the data to be linked to your YouTube profile, you must log out before activating the button. Google stores your data (even for users who are not logged in) as user profiles and evaluates this. In particular, your data is evaluated in accordance with Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR based on the legitimate interest of Google in inserting customised advertising, market surveys and/or tailoring the design of its website to your needs. You have the right to object to the creation of these user profiles, but you must contact YouTube to exercise this right.

Regardless of the playback of the embedded videos, every time this website is accessed, a connection to the Google network “DoubleClick” is established, which can trigger further data processing operations without our influence.

Additional information regarding the privacy policy of “YouTube” can be found at:


Subscribing to our e-mail newsletter

If you subscribe to our e-mail newsletter, we will send you regular information about our offers. The only mandatory information for sending the newsletter is your e-mail address. The disclosure of any other data is voluntary and will be used to enable us to address you personally. We use the so-called double opt-in process for sending the newsletter. This means that we will only ever send you an e-mail newsletter if you have expressly confirmed to us that you agree to the sending of newsletters. We will then send you a confirmation e-mail asking you to confirm that you wish to receive future newsletters by clicking on an appropriate link.

By activating the confirmation link, you give us your consent to the use of your personal data in accordance with Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR. When you register for the newsletter, we store your IP address entered by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) as well as the date and time of registration so that we can trace any possible misuse of your e-mail address at a later time. The data collected by us when you register for the newsletter will be used exclusively for the purpose of advertising by means of the newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time via the link provided in the newsletter. You also have the option to directly edit your settings in our members’ area or to unsubscribe from the newsletter using the form that can be found there. Once you have unsubscribed, your e-mail address will immediately be deleted from our newsletter distribution list, unless you have expressly consented to further use of your data or we reserve the right to use data in excess thereof, which is permitted by law and about which we inform you in this policy.

Use of the e-mail marketing service “CleverReach”

This website uses CleverReach to send newsletters. The supplier is CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlenstr. 43, 26180 Rastede. CleverReach is a service that enables us to organise and analyse the distribution of newsletters. The data you provide (e.g. email address) for the purpose of subscribing to our newsletter will be stored on CleverReach servers in Germany or Ireland.

Sending our newsletters with CleverReach enables us to analyse the behaviour of newsletter recipients. Among other things, we can analyse how many recipients have opened the newsletter message and how often various links contained in the newsletter have been clicked. With the help of so-called conversion tracking, we can also analyse whether a predefined action (such as the purchase of a product on our website) takes place after clicking on the link in the newsletter. For more information on how data is analysed by CleverReach, please visit:

The data is processed on the basis of your consent (Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR). You may withdraw your consent at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the legality of the data processing that has already taken place beforehand.

If you do not want CleverReach to analyse your behaviour, please unsubscribe from the newsletter. To do this, we provide a corresponding link in every newsletter message. You can also unsubscribe as a recipient directly on our website.

The data you provided for the purpose of subscribing to the newsletter will be stored by us until your removal from the newsletter mailing list and will be deleted both from our servers and the servers of CleverReach when you have unsubscribed from the newsletter. This will not affect any data we have stored for other purposes (e.g. e-mail addresses for the members’ area).

For more information, refer to the privacy policy of CleverReach at:

We have entered into an agreement with CleverReach for the outsourcing of our data processing and fully implement the strict requirements of the German data protection authorities when using CleverReach.

Sending the e-mail newsletter to existing customers

If you have provided us with your e-mail address when purchasing goods or services, we reserve the right to send you regular offers for similar goods or services from our range by e-mail. In accordance with Section 7(3) of the German Act against Unfair Competition, we do not need to obtain separate consent from you to do this. In this respect, data processing takes place solely on the basis of our legitimate interest in personalised direct marketing in accordance with Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR. If you have initially objected to the use of your e-mail address for this purpose, we will not send you an e-mail. You are entitled to object to the use of your e-mail address for the advertising purpose described above at any time with effect for the future by sending a message to the controller named above. In this regard, the only costs you will incur will be the basic cost of transmission. Upon receipt of your objection, the use of your e-mail address for advertising purposes will cease immediately.

Rights of the data subject

The applicable data protection legislation grants you extensive data subject rights (rights of access and intervention) vis-à-vis the controller with regard to the processing of your personal data, which we inform you of below:

  • Right of access in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR: In particular, you have the right of access to the personal data concerning you that we are processing, the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data being processed, the recipients or categories of recipient to whom your personal data has been or will be disclosed, the envisaged retention period or the criteria used to determine the retention period, the existence of the right to request rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, to object to processing, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the source of your data if we have not collected it from you, the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling and, where applicable, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing, as well as your right to be informed about the safeguards that exist pursuant to Art. 46 GDPR relating to the transfer of your data to third countries;
  • Right to rectification in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR: You have the right for inaccurate data concerning you to be rectified without undue delay and/or for any incomplete data we store relating to you to be completed;
  • Right to erasure in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR: You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data if the conditions in Art. 17(1) GDPR are met. However, this right shall not exist in particular if the processing is necessary for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information, for compliance with a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
  • Right to restriction of processing in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR: You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your personal data provided that the accuracy of the data you are contesting is being verified, if you oppose the erasure of your data as the data processing is unlawful and request the restriction of the processing of your data instead, if you require your data for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims once we no longer need this data after it has served its purpose, if you have objected to processing on grounds relating to your particular situation pending the verification whether our legitimate grounds override yours;
  • Right to be informed in accordance with Art. 19 GDPR: If you have asserted the right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing vis-à-vis the controller, they are obliged to communicate the rectification or erasure of data or restriction of processing to each recipient to whom your personal data has been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. You have the right to be informed about these recipients.
  • Right to data portability in accordance with Art. 20 GDPR: You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to request its transmission to another controller, where technically feasible;
  • Right to withdraw your consent in accordance with Art. 7(3) GDPR: You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of data at any time with effect for the future. In the event that you withdraw your consent, we will immediately delete the data concerned, unless further processing can be justified on a legal basis for processing without consent. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the legality of the processing that has taken place on the basis of the consent prior to its withdrawal;
  • Right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR: If, within the framework of a consideration of interests, we process your personal data on the basis of our overriding legitimate interest, you have the right to object to this processing at any time with effect for the future on grounds relating to your particular situation. You can send us your objection using the contact methods detailed above.

If you exercise your right to object, we will stop processing the data concerned. However, we reserve the right to further processing if we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, fundamental rights and freedoms, or if the processing serves to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for such marketing purposes at any time. You may exercise your objection as described above.
If you exercise your right to object, we will stop processing the data concerned for direct marketing purposes.

  • Right to lodge a complaint in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR: If you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes the GDPR, you have the right – without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy – to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, for example: Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein
    Holstenstraße 98, 24103 Kiel; 0431/988-1200;


Last updated: 01.06.2021